Live in Oro Valley AZ and Suffer From Osteoarthritis?

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies moving in order to maintain a certain quality of life. But what if it hurts too much to move, or what if you're just too stiff and you can't imagine getting out and enjoying any kind of activity like you used to? If this sounds like you it's probably because you suffer from one of the most common types of arthritis I see in my practice on a daily basis. It's known as Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease. In the case of the spinal form it's called Degenerative Disc Disease or Spondylosis. This condition is not necessarily age related as I've seen it in young adults in their mid 20's. More often than not it's related to the patient's trauma history. During the history portion of my examination I always try to dig deep into the patient's past around physical and emotional trauma. Either one can lead to the same physical outcome if its not treated properly. Top Oro Valley AZ chiropractor wants to help you!
Here is an example of a common scenario. The patient reports being involved in an auto accident in their early 20's. They walk away from the accident seemingly unscathed. They wake up the next day with some soreness in their neck, a headache and some upper back pain that lasts several days then subsides. They feel there is no need to see a doctor because they feel fine. It could be five or maybe up to 10 years before things start happening. Suddenly the patient wakes up with an extremely stiff and painful neck. Maybe the headaches start becoming more severe and frequent. Sometimes the patient starts having symptoms in the upper extremities like numbness and tingling in the hands, carpel tunnel symptoms with weakness in the grip strength and wrist pain. These are all signs of degenerative disc disease in the neck that has progressed into the advanced stages without warning.
Overcoming Osteoarthritis in Oro Valley AZ
Immediately following an injury to the spine and related soft tissues, muscles and ligaments that support the spine, inflammation sets in and the healing process begins. Just like when you cut your skin the body heals with scar tissue. This happens around your spine as well. It only takes 8 weeks after an injury for scar tissue to form. As scar tissue ages it contracts and tightens. This tight tissue prevents your spinal joint from moving properly. If your spinal joints can't move properly the discs between the vertebra begin to dehydrate and degenerate. They actually break down. This leads to a narrowing of the space where the spinal nerves exit the spine causing nerve dysfunction. It only takes 5 years after an injury to be able to see signs of permanent spinal damage on an x-ray.
The most important approach an injured person can take is to get the specific motion back into the joints as soon as possible after injury. Spinal adjustments at Oro Valley Health and Wellness in Oro Valley performed early on after injury restore proper motion at specific areas. These adjustments also help to minimize the amount of scar tissue that forms around the spine and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of degenerative disc disease forming in the future. All this makes for a much happier and mobile patient years down the road.
For more information or a no charge consultation feel free to contact Dr. Daniel Marsh at Oro Valley Health and Wellness Chiropractic & Nutrition at (520) 505-0550.
8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm
2:00pm - 4:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm
2:00pm - 4:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Oro Valley Health and Wellness
11115 N La Cañada Dr #155
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
F: (520) 638-8798