About Our Clinic in Oro Valley AZ

Chiropractor Oro Valley AZ Daniel Marsh About Us

Welcome to Oro Valley Health and Wellness! Dr. Marsh has laid out a timeline of what to expect during your chiropractic visits in Oro Valley AZ.

Your First Visit

An initial visit to Oro Valley Health and Wellness will take approximately 60 min in length. During this visit, Dr. Marsh will review your health history and perform a thorough neurologic and nutritional examination. He will discuss your current health concerns and consider factors that can influence long-term health.

Your second visit

You will return for your Report of Findings, where Dr. Marsh will answer questions and share his plan for care, how long your road to wellness might take, and the estimated cost of your care.

Future visits in Oro Valley AZ

  • Keep your appointments! - Each treatment builds upon the previous one. It is important to follow through with your care plan in order to receive maximum benefit. CLICK HERE and request an appointment online now.
  • Do your "Homework." - In many ways what you do at home and at work affects your progress. We offer suggestions and self-care techniques to support you on the road to a life of increased wellness vitality.
  • Give it time - As with any medical treatment, healing with chiropractic care is a process, not a magic pill. It takes time and is influenced by many factors. Over time, things should improve and if necessary, we will adjust your treatment plan as we proceed. Changes to your condition can happen faster than anticipated, so enjoy them!
  • Keep a positive attitude and Except positive results. - As we follow through on your treatment plan, look for signs of improvement and take encouragement from them. Build an attitude that expects positive results and knows that profound healing is possible. Your belief and expectation has an incredibly strong influence on your body and is a key factor in healing.


8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm

2:00pm - 4:30pm

8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm

2:00pm - 4:30pm

8:30am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Oro Valley Health and Wellness

11115 N La Cañada Dr #155
Oro Valley, AZ 85737

P: (520) 505-0550

F: (520) 638-8798