Oro Valley AZ Chiropractor Explains Health Care vs. Sick Care

As we approach Thanksgiving we are once again reminded of all the blessings in our lives, all the things we have to be thankful for. Many of us are fortunate enough to include things on that list such as our family, close friends, a great job, a beautiful place to live and of course our health. But, what does it really mean to be healthy? I've posed that question many times over the years during my Health Class in Oro Valley AZ and the responses are reflective of what we've been lead to believe. That is, " I feel good so I must be healthy." Lets think about our current "Health Care System." When do you usually enter the health care system, when you're healthy or when you're sick?
Being Proactive rather than Reactive in Oro Valley AZ
We all know it's usually some sort of symptom or pain that motivates us to see a doctor. We receive some sort of treatment to address the symptoms. Once the symptoms are gone we're back to "Health" , right? Wrong! How you feel has little to do with how healthy you really are. Think about the three diseases that lead to the highest mortality rate in this country. They are cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Every one of those could be considered silent killers. The number one most common first sign of heart disease is not chest pain, shortness of breath or left arm pain. It's sudden death. That's right. 40% of people with heart disease won't know they have it until they suffer heart failure. We all know of someone who felt fine, went for a check-up only to discover they had advanced stage cancer and had only a short time to live.
As a wellness practitioner at Oro Valley Health and Wellness my biggest challenge is helping patients make that paradigm shift from a sick care model to a wellness care model. Those who do make the shift in thinking and stay with their care long enough to really experience what it means to be healthy end up thanking me for taking the time to educate them. The road to health is not always an easy one. Some patients feel worse before they feel better. Many patients come in with chronic difficult conditions that take time because the problem has been developing for years. There is nothing more rewarding for me in my work than to see a patient's quality of life improved for the better. These patient end up making better life style choices in terms of diet and exercise. They stay committed to maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system with regular chiropractic adjustments.
The end result is patients have more energy, they sleep better, their immune system improves so they stay well through cold and flu season, they have fewer allergies and they live a more fulfilling and productive life. That's what motivates me to continue to practice for more than 32 years. If this sounds like something you want or need I'd love to speak with you to see how I may help you in your journey. I provide a no charge consultation to see if I'm the right practitioner for you. Feel free to call the office at (520) 505-0550.
8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm
2:00pm - 4:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 4:30pm
2:00pm - 4:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Oro Valley Health and Wellness
11115 N La Cañada Dr #155
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
F: (520) 638-8798